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Escuela 5

Nargish Akther, Coordinador de tratamiento Supervisor

Nací en Bangladesh. Me mudé a los Estados Unidos cuando estaba en sexto grado. Mudarse a un nuevo país e ir a una nueva escuela no fue fácil, especialmente cuando apenas hablabas inglés, pero yo era muy ambicioso y trabajador. Nunca me rendí y siempre hice mi mejor esfuerzo. Mi arduo trabajo dio sus frutos cuando me gradué de la Universidad William Paterson en mayo de 2015 con una licenciatura en salud pública. También me especialicé en Psicología. Soy asistente de enfermería certificada, también certificada en primeros auxilios y resucitación cardiopulmonar.

Contacto: 973-321-2273 o 973-321-2275

Aysha Ahmed Shammi

Escuela 5

Nargish Akther, Coordinador de tratamiento Supervisor

Nací en Bangladesh. Me mudé a los Estados Unidos cuando estaba en sexto grado. Mudarse a un nuevo país e ir a una nueva escuela no fue fácil, especialmente cuando apenas hablabas inglés, pero yo era muy ambicioso y trabajador. Nunca me rendí y siempre hice mi mejor esfuerzo. Mi arduo trabajo dio sus frutos cuando me gradué de la Universidad William Paterson en mayo de 2015 con una licenciatura en salud pública. También me especialicé en Psicología. Soy asistente de enfermería certificada, también certificada en primeros auxilios y resucitación cardiopulmonar.

Contacto: 973-321-2273 o 973-321-2275

Victoria Vargas-Rivera

La Academia Napier

Victoria Vargas Rivera

Me enorgullece y me honra presentarme como el Coordinador de Tratamiento FSCS para el Centro de Salud de la Escuela # 4 de la Academia Napier. Soy bilingue en español. Comencé en 2015 y continúo con mi pasión por ayudar a las familias. Antes de esta posición, trabajé como traductora para Servicios Sociales y Hoteles de Nueva York antes, terminé un año de servicios en la Escuela # 15 para AmeriCorps. donde serví con gratitud a la Comunidad de Paterson! ¡Es una bendición estar aquí y trabajar con un gran equipo del Centro de Salud!

Contacto: 973-321-1000 Ext. 20406

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Leslie Casiano

Treatment Coordinator  ​

School 2


My name is Leslie Casiano. Born and raised in Passaic, NJ., I speak English and Spanish and am currently learning Portuguese. I am a student majoring in Psychology, and I hope to become a therapist. 


During my free time, I like to read, draw, and work out. I am passionate about helping individuals reach their highest potential and making sure each individual receives the care they need. I go above and beyond for any person, and I am ready to share helpful resources with you! 


Contact:: 973-321-1000 ext. 20273

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Escuela Senador Frank Lautenberg

Diane salvaje

Soy madre de cuatro hermosos hijos; 2 niñas y 2 niños. Me gradué de Dover Business Colleges en 2011, con mi certificación en facturación médica y codificación. También tengo licencia en Cosmetóloga y Dueña de Salón. He sido Coordinadora de Tratamiento durante los últimos 6 años. Esto ha sido una ventaja con toda mi experiencia para ayudar a las familias en la escuela Senator Frank R. Lautenberg.

Contacto: 973-321-1000 Ext: 20648

Glenny Vasquez

Glenny Vasquez

​Treatment Coordinator 

School 16


My name is Glenny Vasquez, I am  the Treatment Coordinator for school 16.


I was born in Dominican Republic and moved to United States in 2007. I'm a mom of two boys.


For many years I worked as a CNA  at nursing and rehab center.s I love the work of helping people AND  that's the reason I  am so happy to be a part of FSCS and work with students and families at school 16.


I lost my parents a few years ago, and the best way to honor them is helping other as they did.


Contact: 973-321-1000 Ext. 74030

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Maria Ruiz

Marie Ruiz

​Treatment Coordinator 

School 10


Hello, my name is Maria Ruiz, and I am thrilled to be a part of FSCS Health as a Health Treatment Coordinator. I recently graduated in May 2023 from Berkeley College with a Bachelor's degree in Health Administration, a journey that was both challenging and rewarding.


My professional journey has been fueled by a deep-seated passion for healthcare and a commitment to making a positive impact within my community. I am a self-motivated, outgoing individual who thrives on building relationships and creating meaningful connections. One of the most rewarding aspects of my personal and professional life has been my involvement in community service. I run a small organization dedicated to distributing backpacks to children each year. 


Joining FSCS Health aligns perfectly with my mission to promote well-being and ensure that individuals receive the care they need. I firmly believe that health is the cornerstone of success and that everyone deserves the chance to be at their best. As a Health Treatment Coordinator, I am committed to leveraging my skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to support and guide individuals, particularly children, on their health journeys.


Maria Chavez

Treatment Coordinator  ​

School 15


My name is Maria Chavez . I am the treatment coordinator for School 15. I am 32 years old and a mom of 3 beautiful boys. I love traveling and being a mom.  I love being a treatment coordinator. I love helping parents and students with our health clinic services. I love being a part of a company that helps families in my school.  


Contact: 973-321-1000 Ext:10155 and 21512




Sully Santiago

Sully Santiago

​Treatment Coordinator 

The New Roberto Clemente - NRC


Hello! My name is Sujeilly Santiago, but you can call me Sully. I am the Treatment Coordinator for New Roberto Clemente. I was born and raised in Paterson, NJ. After graduating from John F. Kennedy High School, I enlisted in the United States Army Reserve, where I graduated at the top of my basic training class and was awarded Soldier Leader of The Cycle. My military occupational specialty was Mental Health Specialist.


Over the years I have experienced many different jobs. I have always been a person who loves to work with specific tools in problem-solving situations.  After working in the electrical mechanical field for a good portion of my adult life, I figured why not transition into a different type of problem-solving. This led me to work for Full Service Community Schools. It is amazing to be able to work with and for the community. Growing up, I experienced and appreciated the positive impact community service makes in the lives of students and their families. 


Contact: 973-321-1000 ext. 22489

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Angela Kana

Treatment Coordinator 

Joseph A. Taub / JAT


​Hello, my name is Angela Kana. I am currently in a  Masters program at Montclair State University, pursuing my dream of becoming a registered dietitian. I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Public Health. 

I am bilingual in French and English. Helping others has always been my passion. I have been a mentor for Americorps where I enjoyed promoting health for children. I am happy to be a part of the FSCS team.


Contact: 321-1000 Ext. 27181




Maritza Gastulo

Treatment Coordinator 

John F. Kennedy HS Complex


​​I am proud and blessed to introduce myself as the FSCS Health Center Treatment Coordinator for John F. Kennedy High School Complex as of December 2020 and am bilingual in Spanish. I am also a graduate of JFK and very happy to be working in this school.  I am  a Certified Dental Assistant as well and  a mother of five wonderful children. I believe being blessed with this position was God sent.  I've been helping people in my community for many years. It's what I do from the heart. Being able to help students, fills my heart with joy. To build a relationship with students and help them is what I am looking forward to do everyday. My oath is to go above and beyond for our students and families.


Contact: 973-321-1000 Ext. 50034


Dennis Rojas

Treatment Coordinator

Eastside High School


​My name is Dennis Rojas, and I am he new Treatment Coordinator at Eastside High School. I am passionate about helping others and improving patient care. I grew up in Paterson, New Jersey, and earned my Associate’s Degree from Passaic County Community College. Currently, I am majoring in Psychology to deepen my understanding of human behavior and mental health. 

Outside of work and academics, I am an avid soccer player—it's a sport that helps me stay active, build teamwork, and maintain focus. With a strong foundation in education and a drive to make a positive impact, I am excited to contribute as FSCS treatment coordinator at Eastside HS.


Contact: 973-321-1000 ext. 51263


Giovanna Guzman

Treatment Coordinator  ​

International High School


My name is Giovanna Guzman. I am a proud Treatment Coordinator at the International High School! I graduated with a B.S. in biology and a minor in psychology; I plan to become a family counselor in the future. 


My current goal is to use my education to better understand the students and who they are, in order to provide them with a safe and positive environment to flourish!


I look forward to getting to know the beautiful and unique personalities of my students and their families!  Some of my hobbies include crocheting and going on long walks with my dog, Moon. 

Contact: 973-321-1000 Ext. 20406

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Leah Hamilton

Treatment Coordinator / BH Assistant

Tues., Wed., Fri  ​

Al Moody High School


​I am excited to start my new journey with Full Service Community Schools Health Center as a Treatment Coordinator at Al Moody. I am a full advocate for people having their basic needs met, especially our youth. After doing a two-semester internship with the CMO of Passaic County, I’m excited to be working with the youth of our community again.


Contact:973-321-1000 ext.21108

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Cindy Soto

Treatment Coordinator / Trainer

Mon., Thurs.  ​

Al Moody High School


Hello! My name is Cindy Soto. As of Fall, 2024, I have been a treatment coordinator for six months, and it has been a great experience. I love helping others, and this position has given me the opportunity to do so.


So far, I have enjoyed being part of this team. I am looking forward to giving my all and making the health center a friendly and caring environment.


​21-1000 Ext. 20406


© 2023 por Health n Wellness


Paterson, Nueva Jersey

Orange, Nueva Jersey

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